Associate Professor Tracey Naledi

Chair, Deputy Dean: Health Services, UCT Faculty of Health Sciences

Research Interests: Translation of research into policy and practice, strengthening systems for health, and health equity.

Professor Rudzani Muloiwa

Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, UCT Faculty of Health Sciences

Research Interests: Infectious diseases with a special emphasis on vaccine preventable diseases.

Karabo Ozah

Director of the Centre for Child Law; lecturer in private law in the Law Faculty at University of Pretoria

Research Interests: Children's rights, human rights, and family law.

Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur

Head of the Children's Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute

Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Studies, Law Faculty at University of the Western Cape; member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Research Interests: Children’s rights law; international protection of human rights.

Professor Jeremy Seekings

Director of the Centre for Social Science Research

Professor of political studies and sociology

Research Interests: General social science, including studies of adolescents and youth.

Associate Professor Maylene Shung King

Associate Professor in Public Health

Research interests: Child health policy, health policy, health systems research, school health, and NCDs in children.


Mastoera Sadan

Chief Sector Expert: Social, in the National Planning Commission Secretariat

Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Research Interests: Social policy, poverty, and inequality.

Nurina Ally

Senior Lecturer

Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town; Director: Centre for Law and Society

Research interests: Constitutional and administrative law, public interest litigation, socio-economic rights, children's rights, and movement lawyering.

Associate Professor Wiedaad Slemming


Research Interests: Maternal and child health and nutrition, early childhood development (ECD), child disability, and health systems strengthening.

Dr Marsha Orgill

Senior Researcher

Research Interests: Health policy and systems research, implementation research, commercial determinants of health, early childhood development, leadership, and management in health systems.

Dr Katharine Hall

Senior Researcher

Research Interests: Social policy, child poverty and inequality, social grants, households and mobility indicators.