Journal articles
- Ansell N, Mwathunga E, Hajdu F, Robson E, Hlabana T, van Blerk L, Hemsteede R. Ethical principles, social harm and the economic relations of research: negotiating ethics committee requirements and community expectations in ethnographic research in rural Malawi. Qualitative Inquiry. 2023; 29(6):725-736. doi:10.1177/10778004221124631
- Biersteker L, Berry L, Gwele M. In whose best interests? The ECD regulatory framework, understandings of the best interests of the young child and access to quality early education. South African Journal on Human Rights. 2023; 38(3-4):215-239. doi:10.1080/02587203.2023.2169750
- Collins TM, Gibson S. How businesses can assess the impacts of their charitable activities on the rights of children and youth. 2023; 3(3):913-934.
- De Laat J, Radner J, Holding P, Van Der Haar L, Slemming W, Krapels J, Van Der Harst M, Raikes A, Sanou AS, Dusabe C. Measurement for Change: Reflections from innovators' experiences with monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems for early childhood development. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023; 11:1021790. doi.10.3389/fpubh.2023.1021790
- Draper CE, Thwala N, Slemming W, et al. Development, implementation, and process Evaluation of Bukhali: An Intervention from Preconception to Early Childhood. Global implementation research and applications. 2023; 3:31-43. doi10.1007/s43477-023-00073-8
- Drysdale RE, Slemming W, Momberg D, Said-Mohamad R, Richter LM. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on low birthweight in Soweto, South Africa. South African Medical Journal. 2023;113(10):1432-6. doi.10.7196/SAMJ. 2023.v113i10.746
- Ellermeijer REC, Robinson MA, Guevara AF, O’Hare G, Veldhuizen CIS, Wessells M, Reis R, MJD Jordans. A systematic review of the literature on community-level child protection in low- and middle-income countries. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies. 2023;18(3):309-329.
- Fouw M de, Stroeken Y, Niwagaba B, Musheshe M, Tusiime J, Sadayo I, Reis R, Peters AAW, Beltman JJ. Involving men in cervical cancer prevention; a qualitative enquiry into male perspectives on screening and HPV vaccination in Mid-Western Uganda. PloS One. 2023; 18(1):1-14.
- Hulvey Rod M, Hulvej Rod N, Russo F, Demant Klinker C, Reis R, K Stronks. Promoting the health of vulnerable populations: Three steps towards a systems-based re-orientation of public health intervention research aimed at reducing health inequities. Health & Place. 2023; 80: 1-8.
- Kruger P, Wynberg R, Mafuyeka M, Laar A, Mialon M, Lake L, Witten C, Nisbett N, Baker P, Hofman K. The ultra-processed food industry in Africa. Nature Food. 2023; 4: 534-536.
- Martens N, Hindori-Mohangoo AD, Hindori MP, Van Damme A, Beeckman K, Reis R, Crone M, RMJJ van der Kleij. Anticipated benefits and challenges of implementing group care in Suriname’s maternity and childcare sector: a contextual analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 23, 592. 2023.
- Molemans M, Reis R, Shabalala F, Dlamini N, Masilela N, Simelane N, et al. Reasons for using traditional and complementary care by people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy and association with interrupted care: a mixed methods study in Eswatini. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 23, 350. 2023.
- Myburgh H, Hoddinott G, Seeley J, Bond V, Bock P, Hayes R, Reis R, Reynolds L. on behalf of the HPTN 071 (PopART) study team. Testing when I know my status: the social dynamics of household HIV testing in HPTN 071 (PopART) trial communities, South Africa. Social Science and Medicine: Qualitative Research in Health. 2023; 4:1-10.
- Posel D, Hall K, Goagoses L. Going beyond female-headed households: household composition and gender differences in poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa. 2023; 40(5):1117-1134.
- Rizzini I, Fletes R, Collins TM, Krishnamurthy S. International perspectives on decoloniality and children's rights. O Social em Questão. 2023; 26(56):1-24. doi.10.17771/PUCRio.OSQ.50870
- Sumari-de Boer IM, Ngowi KM, Swai IU, Masika LV, Maro R, Mtenga AE, Mtesha BA, Nieuwkerk P, Reis R, Rinke de Wit T, Aarnoutse RE. Effect of a customised digital adherence tool on retention in care and adherence to antiretroviral treatment in breastfeeding women, children and adolescents living with HIV in Tanzania: a mixed-methods study followed by clinical trials. Trials. 2023; 24(1):285.
- Theilmann M, Ginindza N, Myeni J, Dlamini S, Cindzi BT, Dlamini D, Dlamini TL, Greve M, Harkare HV, Hleta M, Khumalo P, Kolbe LM, Lewin S, Marowa LR, Masuku S, Mavuso D, Molemans M, Ntshalintshali N, Nxumalo N, Osetinsky B, Pell C, Reis R, et al. Strengthening primary care for diabetes and hypertension in Eswatini: study protocol for a nationwide cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2023; 24(1):210. doi:10.1186/s13063-023-07096-4
- van de Sande MCE, Kocken PL, Diekstra RFW, Reis R, Gravesteijn C, Fekkes M. What are the most central social-emotional skills? Relationships between adolescents' social-emotional skills and psychosocial health variables: an explorative cross-sectional study of a sample of secondary-school students. Frontiers in Education. 2023; 8:1-12.
- Waithaka D, Gilson L, Tsofa B, Barasa E, Orgill M. Political Prioritisation for Performance-Based Financing at the County Level in Kenya: 2015 to 2018. Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2023; 12(1):1-13. doi.10.34172/ijhpm.2023.6909
- Wright LH, Rizzini I, Gwele M, McNair L, Porto CL, Orgill M, Tisdall EKM, Bush M, Biersteker L. Conceptualising quality early childhood education: Learning from young children in Brazil and South Africa through creative and play‐based methods. British Educational Research Journal. 2023; 00:1-17. [All authors are first authors]
Books and book chapters
- Almeida L, Collins TM, Heynes DL, Jamieson L, Rizzini I, Walsh S. Affecting change in different contexts: Children’s participation in social and public policy dialogues in Brazil, Canada, and South Africa. In: Percy-Smith B, Thomas N, O’Kane C, Twum-Danso Imoh A, editors. A new handbook of children and young people’s participation: conversations for transformational change. New York: Routledge; 2023. p.179-185.
- Brodie N, Mathews S, Abrahams N. Femicide in South Africa. In: Dawson M, Vega SM, editors. The Routledge international handbook of femicide. London: Routledge; 2023. p.10.
- Gilson L, Nzinga J, Orgill M, Behlriti Z. Health system leadership development in selected African countries: challenges and opportunities. In: Chambers N, editor. Research handbook in leadership in healthcare. Edward Elgar online; 2023. p.686-698.
- Jupp Kina D, van Blerk L. Using public space to escape violence and social exclusion in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Franck K, Huang T, editors. Routledge handbook of public space use, design, and management. New York: Routledge; 2023. p.16.
- van Blerk L. Young people. In: Lees L, Demeritt D, editors. Concise encyclopaedia of human geography. Elgar encyclopaedias in the social sciences series. UK: Edward Elgar; 2023. p.456.
- van Blerk L, Hunter J, Shand W. Case Study 7.2. Growing up on the Streets: a ‘big qual’ data analysis case study. In: Weller S, Davidson E, Edwards R, Jamieson L, editors. Deep excavations: in-depth interpretive analysis. In: Big Qual. A Guide to Breadth-and-Depth Analysis. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan; 2023. p.149-166.
Research reports
- Biersteker L, Gwele M, Orgill M. Community report: Findings from the Safe Inclusive Participatory Project in early childhood education. Cape Town: Children's Institute, University of Cape Town; 2023 December.
- Field S, Jamieson L, Honikman S. Pilot project evaluation: Nyamakela4Care (Child Protection). Cape Town: Children's Institute, University of Cape Town; 2023.
- Hall K, Proudlock P, Budlender D. Reducing child poverty: A review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant. Pretoria: National Department of Social Development; 2023.
- Orgill, M. et al. South Africa site evaluation report: The implementation of Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC). Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town; 2023.
Research and policy briefs
- Hall K, Proudlock P, Budlender D. Reducing child poverty: A review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant. Executive summary. Pretoria: National Department of Social Development; 2023.
- Jamieson L, Mathews S, Titi N. Service responses to co-victimisation of mother and child. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town; 2023.
- Mallick R, Jamieson L, Mathews S, Titi N, Vutu S. Language as a barrier to access to services for victims of violence. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town; 2023.
- Walsh S, Collins TM. Children’s rights to education and non-discrimination in schools: young people with disabilities in the school system and the role of child and youth care. Dublin, Ireland; 2023 March.
Legal and policy submissions
- Children’s Institute and partners’ submission to the Department of Health on draft Regulation R3337 on the Labelling and Advertising of Foodstuffs: Protecting child health – a child-rights imperative. 2023.
- Lake L, Swart R, Witten C, Pereira K, du Plessis L, May J. Children’s rights to food and nutrition – findings from the 2020 South African Child Gauge. Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Health’s General Assembly Report on Food, Nutrition and the Right to Health. 2023 April 4.
- Network of Child Health Advocates alternative report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. From survive to thrive: A call to safeguard children’s rights in times of crisis. 2023 August 2.
- Pereira-Kotze K, Lake L, Witten C, May J. Towards a child-centred food system – what’s needed to stop the slow violence of malnutrition? Submission to the Food and Agricultural Organisation Report on the Realisation of the Human Right to Adequate Food. 2023 June 29.
- Proudlock P, Nyathi M. Submission on the draft regulations for 2022/23 SRD Grant. 2022 March 13.
- Proudlock P, Hall K. Shadow report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on South Africa’s Report. 2023.
- Proudlock P, Hall K. Updated shadow report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. 2023.
- Proudlock P. Submission to the Department of Home Affairs on the Draft National Identification and Registration Bill. 2023.
- Proudlock P, Nyathi M. Amicus Affidavit in Mazibuko and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others CASE No: 14238/2021 Pretoria High Court. 2023.
- Nyathi M, Van Skalkwyk C, Proudlock P. Social grants for children without birth certificates and caregivers without identity documents. Johannesburg: The Legal Resources Centre, the Children’s Institute at University of Cape Town, and the South African Social Security Agency; 2023.
Opinion editorials and press statements
- Hall K. Budget short-changes those in greatest need - children. Business Day. 2023 March 1.
- van Schalkwyk C, Nyathi M, Proudlock P. New guide released on how to apply for SASSA grants for children without birth certificates. Daily Maverick. 2023 April 25.
Presentations (international)
Presentations (local)