South Africa must invest in early childhood,
to build a strong foundation for national development
This 17th issue of the South African Child Gauge focuses attention on early childhood development – from conception until the start of formal school. It collates the latest evidence to reflect on progress, identify challenges and point the way forward.
At a time when South Africa is seeking solutions to complex societal challenges, it reminds that the answers lie in early childhood. With nurturing care and the proactive support of families, communities, and the whole of society we can protect young children from harm, enable them to thrive and build a strong foundation for national development.
Published in partnership with UNICEF South Africa; the DSI-NRF Centre for Excellence in Human Development, University of the Witwatersrand; the Standard Bank Tutuwa Community Foundation and The LEGO Foundation
Suggested citation: Slemming W, Biersteker L & Lake L. South African Child Gauge 2024. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town. 2024.
Foreword: Professor Mark Tomlinson, Institute for Life Course Health Research, Department of Global Health, Stellenbosch University
Reflections: Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube; Minister of Social Development, Nokuzola Tolashe; Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi
Part one: Children and law reform
- Law reform and case law affecting children 2023/24
Part two: Enhancing early childhood development
- Invest early for national development
- The science of ECD
- ECD in SA: A statistical overview
- Minding the policy gap
- The role of the health sector
- It takes more than a village
- Quality early learning
- Achieving equity by providing extra care
- Building blocks of an effective ECD system
- An enabling policy environment
- Strengthening the system: Leadership and coordination
- Strengthening the system: ECD finance
- Building the capacity of the ECD workforce
- ECD data systems
- Delivery systems: What is needed to strengthen delivery on the ground?
Part three: Children count – the numbers
- Introducing Children Count
- Demography of SA’s children
- Income poverty, unemployment and social grants
- Child health and nutrition
- Children’s access to education
- Children’s access to housing
- Children’s access to services