Title: Increase the CSG to protect families and the economy
Source: Children's Sector Civil Society Organisations
Source: Katherine Hall - UCT Children's Institute
Title: Debacle over child malnutrition rates belittles the suffering
Title: An open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa
Source: Afrika Tikkun, Smile Foundation and Rare Diseases South Africa NPC
Title: Lives over profits! Bread not bullets!
Source: C19 People's Coalition
Title: An emergency rescue package for South Africa in response to COVID-19 - Executive Summary
Source: Institute for Economic Justice
Source: Institute for Economic Justice
Source: EE, EELC, CI, Section 27, CFCL
Title: NIAWG advocacy Statement on COVID-19 and vulnerable children
Source: NIAWG
Source: Dr Gilad Isaacs, Professor Vishnu Padayachee, Dr Basani Baloyi and Lumkile Mondi
Title: Strategy document for Children's Sector Services
Source: Children's Sector Coalition