Title: Disability - Coronavirus COVID-19
Source: South African National Government
Title: Persons with Disabilities Programme
Source: Western Cape Provincial Government
Title: Children with Disabilities
Source: Zita Hansugule - Centre for Child Law
Title: Leaving no-one behind: Considerations for children and adults with disabilities
Source: UNICEF
Title: Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
Source: World Health Organization
Title: COVID-19 Outbreak and Person's with Disabilities
Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Title: COVID-19 and Persons with Disabilities: Key messages
Source: United Nations Population Fund
Title: Joint statement on protecting the rights of learners with disabilities
Source: EELC and Centre for Child Law
Title: Inclusive approach for COVID-19 for Person's with Disabilities
Source: Inclusive Practices Africa
Source: Shonaquip
Source: Centre for Child Law
Source: Equal Education Law Centre
Title: Strategy document for Children's Sector Services
Source: Children's Sector Coalition