Title: Strategy document for Children's Sector Services

Source: Children's Sector Coalition



Title: COVID-19: 24/7 Parenting

Source: Parenting for Lifelong Health



Title: Advice to Parents

Source: Department of Basic Education



Title: Parenting under lockdown

Source: UNICEF



Title: List of Professionals available for online consultation

Source: GAIMH-SA



Title: COVID-19 safe play for children: Ideas about how to #playsafe2gether

Source: Inclusive Practices Africa



Title: A difficult day - An animated story helping kids deal with lockdown

Source: Lauren Bates

Title: Talking to kids about the coronavirus crisis

Source: Child Mind Institute



Title: Supporting learning at home: A guide for caregivers

Source: COVID-19 ECD and Schooling Group



Title: Children's experiences on COVID-19

Source: RX Radio



Source: Stories for children