Title: Strategy document for Children's Sector Services

Source: Children's Sector Coalition



Title: About COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Source: South African National Government



Title: COVID-19 Risk Adjusted Strategy

Source: South African National Government



Title: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Source: World Health Organization



Title: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) information centre

Source: UNICEF



Title: Key messages on Coronavirus (Afrikaans, IsiNdebele and Siswati)

Source: Neziswa Titi - UCT Children's Institute



Title: HSRC Responds to the COVID-19 outbreak

Source: Human Sciences Research Council



Title: Stay Safe and Stay Positive

Source: NACCW



Title: Role of children in the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic

Source: Luis Rajmil in BMJ Paediatrics Open



Title: Do you use shared taps and toilets... (various languages)

Source: IBP South Africa



Title: COVID-19 Information and preventative measures (various languages)

Source: Balungula Incubator