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- Mathews S, Abrahams N, Jewkes R, Martin LJ, & Lombard C (2012) Child homicide patterns in South Africa: Is there a link to child abuse? South African Medical Research Council.
- Budgeting for children's care and development and protection. Proudlock P 2012. Child Care and Youth Care Work, 30(1) Quarter one 2012: 12-16.
- Children’s Institute amicus curiae affidavit, 2012. In: SS and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, SGJ Case no: A3056/11, South Gauteng High Court. [revised].
- Child Gauge spotlights inequality and poverty.Smith C 2012. UCT Alumni and Develpment news, 13 November 2012. Children’s Institute heads of argument, 2012. In: SS and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, SGJ Case no: A3056/11, South Gauteng High Court. [revised].
- Shirley Pendlebury: A multi-facited leader exists the Children's Institute. Smith C 2012. Children's Institute online newsletter, July 2012.
- Children’s Act guide for drop-in centre managers. November 2012 [File size: 3.2 MB]. Jamieson L & Berry L.
- Children’s Institute founding affidavit, 2012. In: Children’s Institute and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, Supreme Court of Appeal.
- South African Child Gauge 2012. Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) 2012. Children's Institute, University of Cape Town.
- Children’s Institute heads of argument, 2012. In: Children’s Institute and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, Supreme Court of Appeal.
- Children’s Institute founding affidavit, 2012. In: Children’s Institute and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, Constitutional Court, CCT 69/12.
- Children’s Institute heads of argument, 2012. In: Children’s Institute and The Presiding Officer of the Children’s Court, District of Krugersdorp and Others, Constitutional Court, CCT 69/12.
- Stakeholder consultations on the development of the White Paper on Families in South Africa: Consolidated report. Berry L 2012. Report for Stratege Q Developments on behalf of the national Department of Social Development.
South African Child Gauge 2012. Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) 2012. Children's Institute, University of Cape Town.
- Comprehensive review of the provision of social assistance to children in family care. Budlender D, Proudlock P, Hall K, Jamieson L & Meintjes H 2012. Report for the Department of Social Development, by the Community Agency for Social Enquiry and the Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town.
- South African Child Gauge 2012: Children and inequality: Closing the gap. Lake L, Hall K, Woolard I & Smith C 2012. Poster accompanying the South African Child Gauge 2012, published by the Children's Institute, University of Cape Town.
- Report on the current situation of child labour with a special focus on child labour free zones: Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Nhenga T & Mangoma FJ 2012. Report for HIVOS, “Stop Child Labour” campaign.
- Summary: Funding the Children’s Act: Assessing the adequacy of the 2012/13 budgets of the provincial departments of social development. Budlender B & Proudlock P 2012.
- Children and inequality: Closing the gap. Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C 2012. Policy brief accompanying the South African Child Gauge 2012, published by the Children's Institute, UCT.
- AIDS, metaphor and ritual: The crafting of care in rural South African childhoods. Henderson P 2012. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, 20(1): 9-21.
- Selection of evidence on key challenges facing children and implications for policy reform and service delivery. Proudlock P & Jamieson L 2012. Requested by Department of Social Development to inform annual strategic planning.
- Children and inequality: South African Child Gauge 2012. Viviers A & Lake L 2012. Accompanying children's summary, published by the Children's Institute, UCT, and UNICEF.
- The fluidity of disclosure: A longitudinal exploration of women's experience and understanding of HIV disclosure in the context of pregnancy and early motherhood. Moses S & Tomlinson M 2012. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, DOI:10.1080/09540121.2012.736606. [online].
- Draft amendments to the Regulations of the Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 for a supplementary Child Support Grant for family members caring for orphans. Proudlock P, Potgieter H, Jamieson L, Skelton A, Loffel J & Du Toit C 2012. Centre for Child Law, University of Pretoria; Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town; and Johannesburg Child Welfare. Submitted to the Department of Social Development.
- Qaphela wenza! Take note and act! Jamieson L 2012 Children, Youth and Environments, 22(1), Spring 2012.
- Ikasi style and the quiet violence of dreams: A critique of youth belonging in post-apartheid South Africa. Swartz S, Hamilton Harding J & De Lannoy A 2012. Comparative Education. Special Issue: 48/1 Youth citizenship and the politics of belonging.
- Budgeting for children’s care, development and protection. Proudlock P 2012. Presented at South African Human Rights Commission and UNICEF's Budget breakfast, 23 February 2012.
- Getting the basics right – from the start. How do we ensure that care and support services reach the most vulnerable young children? Berry L 2012. Presented at Because Your Child is a Somebody Ilifa Labantwana campaign launch, Johannesburg, 28 September 2012.
- Toward the development of a family policy for South Africa: A call for an effective, robust poverty alleviation strategy. Berry L & Makiwane M 2012. Paper presented at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- Interactive teaching in a large introductory sociology course. De Lannoy A 2012. Presented at the conference of teaching and learning, Difference in Teaching: Teaching for Difference, University of Cape Town, 25 October 2012.
- Support for children: Social services and social security. Leatt A & Hall K 2012 In: Kibel M, Saloojee H & Westwood T (eds). Child Health for All. 5th Edition.Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
- “We are thrown away people”: Growing up in the Flats of Manenberg, a case study. De Lannoy A 2012. Paper presented at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- Children’s rights and health. Proudlock P 2012. In: Kibel M, Westwood T & Saloojee H (eds) Child Health for All. Edition 5. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
- Children and inequality: An emerging picture. Hall K 2012. Presented at the launch of the South African Child Gauge 2012, Cape Town, 17 October 2012.
- Consent and competence in paediatrics. Reynolds L & Jamieson L 2012. In: Kibel MA, Westwood A & Saloojee H (eds) Child Health for All. Edition 5. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
- Investing in children: How indicators can help with policy. Hall K 2012. Presented at Save the Children Sweden and SADC-CNGO Southern Africa conference on Building a Child Rights Movement in Southern Africa, Pan-African Parliament, Midrand, 1 – 2 November 2012.
- Children and inequality: An introduction and overview. Hall K & Woolard I 2012 In: Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds). In: Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) South African Child Gauge 2012.Children and income inequality Hall K & Woolard I 2012 Presented by Hall, K at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- Inequalities in children’s household contexts: Place, parental presence and migration. Hall K & Posel D 2012 .In: Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) South African Child Gauge 2012.
- Lessons from children’s participation in legislative processes. Jamieson L 2012. Presented at public participation conference, The People Shall Govern: Public Participation Beyond Slogans, Johannesburg, 29 February – 2 March 2012.
- Addressing inequalities in child health: Opportunities and challenges. Sanders D, Reynolds L & Lake L 2012. In: Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) South African Child Gauge 2012.
- Isibindi: Innovative approaches to rural development through the delivery of child and youth care service. Jamieson L & Thumbadoo Z 2012. Paper presented at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- Legislative developments in 2011/2012. Jamieson L, Proudlock P & Nhenga-Chakarisa T 2012. In: Hall K, Woolard I, Lake L & Smith C (eds) South African Child Gauge 2012.
- Children’s rights – a tool for transformation. Lake L 2012. Presented at the conference of teaching and learning, Difference in Teaching: Teaching for Difference, University of Cape Town, 25 October 2012.
- To what extent to the MDGs support children’s rights to health? Lake L 2012. Presented at the trans-disciplinary conference on early childhood development and education, What is the Relationship between the Millennium Development Goals and Early Childhood Development and Education?, 17 – 18 July 2012, Cape Town.
- Straight talk: Children’s narratives of poverty. Meintjes H 2012. Paper presented at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- Children in South Africa: A glance through two lenses. Meintjes H & Hall K 2012. Presented at the international seminar on Shaping Research, Policy and Practice for Children and Youth: Sharing and Reflecting on Lessons for the Future from a Decade of Experience, Cape Town, 13 – 15 May 2012.
- An assessment of government interventions on the elimination of child labour in four African countries – Zimbabwe, Uganda, Ghana, and Ethiopia. Nhenga-Chakarisa T 2012. Presented at the 37th International Education Conference of the National Association of Black Social Workers, Cape Town, 24 August 2012.
- Legal and policy framework relevant to refugee and migrant children. Nhenga-Chakarisa T 2012. Presented at the Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa conference, Pretoria, 30 October 2012.
- Appropriate state support for orphaned children in the care of relatives. Proudlock P 2012. Presented at an international seminar on Shaping Research, Policy and Practice for Children and Youth: Sharing and Reflecting on Lessons for the Future from a Decade of Experience, Cape Town, 13 – 15 May 2012.
- The case of child SS and 1.1 million other children: Appropriate social assistance for orphan children in the care of relatives. Proudlock P 2012. Paper presented in a mini-plenary at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.
- At what cost? Exploring the unintended consequences of MDG 2 in SADC. How do we make schools ready for young children? Rudolph N & Berry L 2012. Presented at the trans-disciplinary conference on early childhood development and education, What is the Relationship between the Millennium Development Goals and Early Childhood Development and Education?, Cape Town 17 – 18 July 2012.
- Breaking the cycle of poverty: What kind of change is needed for schools to make a difference? Rudolph N, Berry L & Lake L 2012. Paper presented at the Strategies to Overcome Poverty and Inequality: Towards Carnegie III conference, University of Cape Town, 3 – 7 September 2012.