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University of Cape Town
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Early childhood development
Child poverty & inequality
Violence against children
Intersections of VAW & VAC
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Children Count
CG 2024: Early childhood development
Early Childhood Review 2024
CG 2021/22: Child mental health
CG 2020: Food and nutrition security
CG 2019: Child and adolescent health
Reporters' resources on violence against children
About us
Vision and mission
Advisory board
Meet our team
Directions to CI
Projects: Overview
Current Projects
Current Projects: Overview
Children Count
South African Child Gauge
Group Care for the First 1,000 Days
Social Assistance for Orphaned Children Living with Relatives
Safe Inclusive Participative Pedagogy: Improving Early Childhood Education
Social security – towards comprehensive protection for children
Child Rights & Child Law Short Course for Health & Allied Professionals
Intersections of Violence against Women and Violence against Children
Completed Projects
Analysing the nature and extent of child-headed households in South Africa
Caring Schools: Schools as nodes of care and support
Child Health Services review
Child Survival Project
Child-Centred Analysis of Government’s Budgets
Children and antiretroviral treatment
Completed Projects: Overview
Children’s Bill Project
Dikwankwetla – Children in Action: Facilitating children's participation in the Children's Bill
Evaluations and case studies of the CI law-reform methodology
Firearms injuries
Foster care in the time of AIDS: Children 'in need of care' or in need of cash
Southern Africa regional network on child indicators
Growing up in a time of AIDS: Abaqophi BakwaZisize Abakhanyayo Children's Radio Project
Health and social services to address the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children in South Africa
Healthy cities
Home truths: Residential care in the context of the AIDS pandemic
Infants and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: The fragility of life
Means to Live: Evaluating the targeting of poverty alleviation for poor children and their households
Media and the representation of children affected by HIV/AIDS
National Child Poverty Monitor
National Children's Forum on HIV/AIDS
National Directory of Services for children and youth infected and affected by HIV/AIDS
National Health Act
National school health services policy
Ordinary Politics: Race and opportunity in contemporary South Africa
Piloting the Care Dependency Grant assessment tool
Project 28: Promoting children's socio-economic rights
Rapid appraisal of primary level health care services for HIV-positive children at public sector clinics in South Africa
Researching and developing systems to facilitate the identification, monitoring and support of vulnerable children
Social Assistance Act and regulations
Social Security and Disability
Social Service Practitioners Advocacy Network
Theorising children’s participation: Learning across countries and across disciplines
Western Cape Developmental Screening Programme
Publications: Overview
Children's Institute annual reports
Publications by year
Publications: 2024
Publications: 2023
Publications: 2022
Publications: 2021
Publications: 2019
Pyblications: 2018
Publications: 2017
Publications: 2016
Publications: 2015
Publications: 2014
Publications: 2013
Publications: 2012
Publications: 2011
Publications: 2010
Publications: 2009
Child Gauge
Child Gauge: Overview
CG 2024: Early childhood development
Child and adolescent mental health
CG 2021 launch video
Let’s talk mental health
Child- and youth-friendly materials
Social media
CG 2021/2022 in the media
CG 2020: Food and nutrition security
CG 2020 launch videos
CG 2020 in the news
CG 2019: Child and adolescent health
CG 2018: Children, Families and the State
CG 2017: Survive, Thrive, Transform
What do Children Need to Thrive? All Children Need Nurturing Care
CG 2016: Children and social assistance
CG 2015: Youth and the intergenerational transmission of poverty
CG 2014: Preventing violence against children
CG 2013: Essential services for young children
CG 2012: Children and inequality: Closing the gap
CG 2010/2011: Children as citizens: Participating in social dialogue
CG 2009/2010: Healthy children: From survival to optimal development
CG 2008/2009: Meaningful access to basic education
Summary: South African Child Gauge 2008/2009
CG 2007/2008: Children’s constitutional right to social services
CG 2006: Children and poverty
CG 2005: Children and HIV/AIDS
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Children Count
Law reform
Law Reform: Overview
Social Service Professions Bill
Social Service Professions Bill: Overview
Law Reform: Bills & Acts
About the Advocacy Network
Law Reform: Latest Developments
Contact the Network
Children's Act
Children's Act: Overview
Children's Act: Latest developments
Landmark Moment for Child Rights in South Africa
Children's Act guides
Children's Act Guide For Child and Youth Care Workers (2013)
Current debates
Call for Public Comment on Children’s Amendment Bill
Resources for Children and young people
The Children's Act for children and young people
Understanding the Children's Amendment Bill
Navigating the parliamentary process
Children's Act: Bills & Acts
Budget Monitoring
Analysis of the 2010/11 - 2016/17 Budget
Analysis of the 2013/14 Budget
Analysis of the 2012/13 Budget
Analysis of the 2011/12 Budget
Analysis of the 2010/11 Budget
Analysis of the 2009/10 Budget
Analysis of the 2008/09 Budget
Analysis of the 2007/08 Budget
SALRC documents
Research and submissions
South Africa's Progress in Realising Children's Rights: A Law Review (2014)
Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children's Amendment Bill [B18 – 2020] November 2020)
Submissions to National Assembly (Submission on Children’s Amendment Bill and Children’s Second Amendment Bill September 2015)
Submissions to the Department of Social Development (May – November 2011)
Submissions to National Assembly (August - September 2007)
Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by province
Submissions to Provincial Parliaments (September 2006 - March 2007) - by topic
Submissions to the Department of Social Development (June 2006)
Submissions to National Council of Provinces (October 2005)
Submissions to National Assembly (August 2004)
Submissions to Department of Social Development on 12 August 2003 Bill
Submissions to SALRC on 2001 Discussion Paper
Child rights course
CRaCL: Overview
Course content
Electronic application form
The CRaCL team
Children's Institute in the News
CI in the news 2024
CI in the news 2023
CI in the news 2022
CI in the news 2021
CI in the news 2020
CI in the news 2019
CI in the news 2018
CI in the news 2017
CI in the news 2016
CI in the news 2015
News: 2014
News: 2013
News: 2012
News: 2011
News: 2010
News: 2009
News archive
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