Year Published: 2016

Authors: Naeemah Abrahams, Shanaaz Mathews, Lorna J Martin, Carl Lombard, Nadine Nannan and Rachel Jewkes

Publisher: PLOS Journals

Suggested Citation: Abrahams N, Mathews S, Martin LJ, Lombard C, Nannan N & Jewkes R (2016) Gender differences in homicides of neonates, infants, and children under 5 y in South Africa: Results from the cross-sectional 2009 national child homicide study. PLoS Medicide 13(4).


Homicide of children is a global problem. The under-5-y age group is the second largest homicide age group after 15–19 y olds but has received little research attention. Understanding age and gender patterns is important for assisting with developing prevention interventions. Here we present an age and gender analysis of homicides among children under 5 y in South Africa from a national study that included a focus on neonaticide and infanticide.